What are Radomes?

A radome is a protective enclosure that is placed over a radar antenna. Its primary purpose is to protect the antenna from the effects of weather and other environmental factors. A radome can be made from a variety of materials, including fiberglass, plastic, and composite materials. The choice of material will depend on the specific application of the radome.

Radomes are used in a variety of industries, including aerospace, defense, meteorology, and telecommunications. They are used to protect radar antennas on airplanes, ships, and ground-based stations. In addition to protecting the antenna, radomes can also improve the performance of the radar system by reducing the effects of wind and other environmental factors.

Types of Radomes

There are several different types of radomes, each with its own unique properties and applications. Some of the most common types of radomes include:

Naval Radome: A naval radome is used on ships to protect the radar antenna from the effects of saltwater and other environmental factors. These radomes are typically made from fiberglass or composite materials.

Composite Radome: A composite radome is made from a mixture of materials, including fiberglass, carbon fiber, and other composites. These radomes are lightweight and durable, making them ideal for use in aerospace and defense applications.

Airborne Radome: An airborne radome is used on airplanes to protect the radar antenna from the effects of wind and other environmental factors. These radomes are typically made from lightweight materials, such as plastic or composite materials.

Satcom Radome: A satcom radome is used in satellite communications to protect the satellite antenna from the effects of weather and other environmental factors. These radomes are typically made from plastic or composite materials.

Meteorology Radome: A meteorology radome is used in weather monitoring systems to protect the radar antenna from the effects of weather and other environmental factors. These radomes are typically made from plastic or composite materials.

Ground-Based Radome: A ground-based radome is used on fixed radar installations to protect the radar antenna from the effects of weather and other environmental factors. These radomes are typically made from fiberglass or composite materials.

Aerospace Radome: An aerospace radome is used in spacecraft and other aerospace applications to protect the radar antenna from the effects of space debris and other environmental factors. These radomes are typically made from lightweight materials, such as plastic or composite materials.

Custom Radome: A custom radome is designed to meet the specific needs of a particular application. These radomes can be made from a variety of materials and can be designed to fit a wide range of shapes and sizes.

Volo Radome

Volo Radome is a company that specializes in the design and manufacturing of radomes for a variety of applications. Their products are used in aerospace, defense, telecommunications, and other industries. Volo Radome uses advanced composite materials to create lightweight and durable radomes that can withstand the effects of weather and other environmental factors.

Volo Radome’s products are designed to meet the specific needs of each application. They offer a wide range of standard radomes, as well as custom designs. https://voloradome.com/ radomes are used by some of the largest companies in the world, including Boeing, Airbus, and Lockheed Martin.


Radomes are an important component of many radar systems, protecting the antenna from the effects of weather and other environmental factors. There are several different types of radomes, each with its own unique properties and applications.
